2009年2月16日 星期一
英國--Saturday Night
第一次到英國的時候, 是2002的事情, 就已經大概聽過英國的pub 文化, 偶爾幾次也在路上碰過喝醉的人跳舞, 摔東西, 攀爬圍牆進入公園大吼大叫, 也曾經碰過討人厭的青少年等! 反正對於英國的印象就是 "爛"啊!
後來在台灣看到Suede的MV --Saturday Night!
心中只有一種感覺, 靠! 好棒的一支MV! <個人是認為,這有點美化英國人了!>
2008年自己拉著行李, 背著包包從台灣來英國這個NC念書, 轉眼間五個多月過去了!
回頭看看這支MV, 在看看歌詞, 我只能說:
媽的咧! 真的是經典!
Today she's been working, <工作嗎? 我覺得還好啦! 挺懶的國家! 不過份內工作, 還是會做完! 我喜歡我們家的clean lady--Paula, 很認真的一位太太! >
she's been talking, <的確是挺愛講話, 但是跟台灣比起來, 是小巫啦! >
she's been smoking, <媽的咧! 來英國的最大收穫就是--吸入的二手菸比在台灣多! 室內不抽菸, 所以走在路上的行人就很可憐了!>
but it'll be alright,
Cos tonight we'll go dancing, <個人認為, 英國人對於disco音樂很跟不上時代! 很難high起來!>
we'll go laughing,
we'll get car sick,
and it'll be okay like everyone says,
it'll be alright and ever so nice,
We're going out tonight,
out and about tonight.
Oh, whatever makes her happy on a Saturday night,
Oh whatever makes her happy, whatever makes it alright.
Today she's been sat there,
sat there in a black chair, office furniture,
but it'll be alright,
Cos tonight we'll go drinking <喝到天昏地暗, 還是不忘繼續喝!有次搭公車時發現後排的人, 一大早就開始喝喝喝 >
we'll do silly things, <的確, 來英國發現人在喝醉之後, 啥事都幹的出來! 比如說友人被打到臉上是血, 一付無事樣的繼續搭公車, 嚇死我這個也搭公車的人!>
and never let the winter in,
And it'll be okay like everyone says,
it'll be alright and ever so nice,
We're going out tonight, out and about tonight.
Oh, whatever makes her happy on a Saturday night,
Oh, whatever makes her happy, whatever makes it alright.
we'll go to peepshows and freak shows, <不知道NC有沒有peepshow? casino, disco, KTV等, NC是有的咧!>
we'll go to discos, casinos,
we'll go where people go and let go
oh whatever makes her happy on a saturday night...
不過, 我的同學是認為啦! 這首歌最好是改成--Friday Night!
因為Friday下午就可以看到一堆人擠在pub裡外開懷暢飲! 嚇死人咧!
2008 留學記錄
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