
2018年10月14日 星期日

KK Day 東京日光一日遊 (英文版本完成)

出發前幾個月, 我就一直猶豫要不要去日光? 怎麼去日光? 但是我只有五天的時間, 我又不想拉車到日光, 住一夜, 隔天, 再回來......  看起來跟團去玩是一個比較好的選擇。
Before this trip to Tokyo. I had been thinking whether I should visit Nikko (日光). Because I only had 5 days, I didn't want to spend too much time staying one night there and the next day went back to downtown Tokyo. Therefore, one-day trip would be the best choice.

其實跟日光團有很多選擇。但是最後我還是決定跟KKday , 理由很簡單, 有中文導遊.... 就算日本團有給英文導遊 /中文導遊 (應該可能是中國), 想想我還是跟KKday , 跟到台灣籍導遊的機率比較高。KKday 的價錢有波動, 報這團的價錢是: 3243多 (,7.27 訂購 2018.9.2出團) , 但是打字的今天 (2018.10.4 報名費用) 我在APP查2870, 我咧!! 價差很大。 所以有興趣的人, 可以多比比看。

Actually there are a lot of options for visitors to choose from ( including Japanese,  Chinese , HK and TW agencies). As a result, i chose to take KKday for a simple reason. They have Chinese (language)  tour guide (A Taiwanese lady). But the price of one day varies on which day you book. The time I booked cost me almost NTD 3243 (2018.7.27) but the price fell down to 2870 (2018.10.4) . If you are really interested in these kinds of trips, you can compare the price.

其實KKday 接受報名之後, 很快就會給你回復, 就算有問題也會很快回復的。地點集合處還算清楚, 但是礙於我還是小路癡, 所以我那天早早就跑去新宿, 果真新宿站太大.... 我找不到往Subaru 大樓方向, 而且很多往地面的出口鐵門也沒拉起, 最後只好去找新宿站的警察, 這位警察很nice 使用簡單英文告訴我方向, 最後順利地找到。只是太早了~~ 所以我跑去買了一小杯星巴克熱拿鐵, 折台幣約120。

After booking, I got the confirmation letter very quickly and if you have any questions about trip, you can leave your messages through their website, they would reply you ASAP. The place for tourist to gather is close to Shinjuku Station West Exit. Due to the complexity of Shinjuku station, I decided to go to gathering place ( Subaru Building) earlier. This was a smart decision, I DID get lost and finally I had to ask a young Japanese police for help. With his help, I arrived there almost one hour earlier. Therefore, I bought a small size of Hot cafe latte in Starbucks. Below the photo, it was NTD 120.

這杯小杯咖啡, 價錢小高。但是星巴克至少某種程度維持差不多程度, 就是不會踩雷。但是我真心覺得牛奶厚度比台灣好很多。

The quality of coffee was better than the one in TW because of milk. I like to buy Starbucks when traveling because at least Starbucks offer very similar quality in different countries.

看到集合地點的Subaru 大樓了~~~ (This is the gathering building- Subaru Building)

我們搭乘的是小巴士, 一定看對, 問對導遊才可以上車, 千萬別貿然上車。我們當天就有兩位小姐, 直接上車, 被導遊擋下來問她們是那一團的。才發現根本跑錯車。

When boarding the bus, do make sure you get on the right one and follow the right tour guide. Ttwo Taiwanese ladies got on our bus without asking but stopped by our tour guide ,checked their schedule and asked them to wait for another 15 minutes to get on another right bus to go to Mt. Fuji .

導遊跟司機先生會討論再前往日光的路上, 停那一個休息站。我一直最愛的就是高速公路的休息站。可以看看當地有啥特產。買了拉麵 (湯頭很好), 鮮奶很好喝, 辣油, 更是很不錯 , 難怪小小一瓶要賣700日幣以上。推薦那瓶辣油~~

Our tour guide spent some time discussing with our Japanese bus driver which highway service area to go. The service areas of Japanese highway have been popular places to highway users and tourists.You can buy a lot of local products and produces, if you find something you like. Don't hesitate to buy them, otherwise you would regret for not buying. Many of them are only available for the service area. The photo above: I bought Raman noodles, milk and spice oil. ( All of them are great. Recommend to buy as gift to send your friends).

前往東照宮的路上, 石子路走起來帶點聲音, 只是當天下雨的關係, 聲音更小了~ 有點些微上坡, 如果是老人家來的話, 可能需要點時間慢慢走。

The way to Nikko Toshogu Shrine was a small pebby road, when you walked on it, you could hear the sound. This kind of pebbles were used to alarm the guards  that there were people in the area. Also the way was a slope, it would take some time for elders to visit the shrine.

看到這個標誌, 跟後方的鳥居就知道~~ 目的地已到達了~

As you see the Torii, it means you are close to shrine. See the shrine behind the Torii.

進去參拜, 還是要繼續爬坡, 樓梯。
When worshiping, there are a lot of slopes and stairs waiting for you.

寶物塔, 不開放。所以拍照就好。日本幾乎所有知名的寺廟都會有上一座這類的寶物塔, 有的甚至好幾座。可惜不太開放, 想知道的有那些, 可能看書籍介紹還比較快點。

Gojunoto (five-story pagoda) is a common building in Japanease historical shrines. This one is opened to the public. The one was rebuilt in 1818 because the previous was burned by a big fire.

最有名的三猿就在這裡。以往看大家寫的時候, 都只會拍三隻,但是聽導遊說才知道, 這是一個循環, 從出生到死亡..... 周而復使, 類比人的一生也是如此~~

Another famous one was "three wise monkeys". But looking at all the carvings, the three wise monkeys piece was one of them. It tells a story from birth to death. Life is a circle......

人很多, 拜下雨所賜,  人比以往少很多。這應該是好事, 只是拍照還得卡位。
這間東照宮, 比我想像中來的金碧輝煌的多。

According to our tour guide, she said the number of visitors on that day wasn't too many.......... But taking a picture without people is a difficult one. The shrine is much more brilliant because of using a lot of golden colors.

西方的大教堂門口有很多神像, 使徒, 亞洲這邊其實也類似。甚至在這裡都可以看到類似東方的神話, 例如八仙過海。每次看到八仙, 我就會想到日本的七福神~~

The white chalk carvings were full of Chinese Legends~~ If you have read the Chinese legends, you would be familiar with the carvings. ( also, the photo was full of a lot of people)

走, 走走走, 我們一起去爬樓梯看德川家康~~
德川先生的墓, 得先考驗體力~~~ 所以我一開始的目標就是先看眠貓 (明明是睡著, 但是身體卻維持警戒狀態, 我沒養貓, 所以很難體會什麼是警戒的樣子)。
( Thy way to Inner Shrine, Tokugawa Ieyasu Tomb)  

( Many people came to see this "sleeping cat" which  is the guardian to the tomb. It looks like sleeping, but actually the pose it demonstrated is to attack.

跟人拿香對拜,看日本人都這樣繞一圈, 我也跟著繞一圈。但是吸引我是那棵後方樹。有小神社, 每次看到小神社我就馬上聯想到: 流浪神差, 很努力的接任務就只要賺 5 円。

I don't know how to worship this great general. As a result, I imitated every move Japanese did........ However, I was not interested in the inner shrine, and tomb, I was much more interested in the tree  because it had a small-size shrine in front of it. The small shrine reminded me a Japanese comics- Noragami (流浪神差). The main character-Yato works very hard to solves tasks from people's wishes just to make 5 yens earnings and saves it to have a small shrine for him ....

導遊吳小姐, 大力推薦的古早味: 鯛魚燒。我吃的是mix , 有紅豆泥跟奶油。外皮帶點焦, 口感是Q彈, 微鹹的口感很棒。

The vendor sells traditional dessert: Taiyaki. You have two flavors : one is red beans paste and the other is cream (custard). The cake taste a little salty when first bite. However, I do really like this chewy , salty texture cake, the salty taste reduced the sweetness of red bean paste. I finished thie one in 5 minutes, amazing quickly.

因為帶點微鹹的口感,讓我很快就把這個鯛魚燒吃完。而且導遊說: 這位鯛魚燒的老闆, 很有個性, 不見得會開店。要上有碰上, 不妨一試。

這番茄拉麵也是跟著導遊才吃到得美味。上面還有日光當地特產, 湯葉(黃豆皮) 。但是倒有有一直說: 這家的老闆動作屬於慢步調, 所以要有心理準備呦~~ 我個人是覺得很不錯, 但是味道還是比我以前在台北吃的番茄刀削麵, 稍微遜一點。

There are not too many restaurants near the shrine, I followed our tour guide to restaurant she recommended. Tomato soup raman with yuba (similar to tofu). Yuba is also very famous in Niko, don't miss it. 

有名的伊呂波, 頭文字D拍攝的地點, 每過一個彎道都會出現數字牌告知, 這是第幾個彎道。這個彎道算是很不彎的, 有的真的很髮夾~~ 沿途幾乎都是楓樹, 所以賞楓季節, 這裡的車潮應該會很可怕的。

On the way to Chuzenji Lake, you would see many winding roads --Iroha Zaka. There are 48 corners along the way, and you will a number on the cards in order.  Along the road, you will see a lot of maple trees. I can imagine how jammed it will be in maple season.

老天爺不適很賞臉, 因為怎麼樣都是有雲在山頭。前方的碼頭,不可以下去, 船公司沒有立起告示牌 , 所以我就自然而然地走上去碼頭, 拍照.... 當然沒多久就沒多久就被請出來, 然後, 船公司馬上放上"禁止入內" 的三角錐。(超糗的)

When I was at the lake, there was a cloud on top of the mountain. Quite hard to have a full view picture. BTW, do not enter the pier...... I was asked to leave the pier.

這是搭升降梯的華嚴瀑布的價錢。往返。要不要花, 看個人。我的想法是, 既然都到了, 就給他花錢去看。當然也可以看無料 (免費), 只是風景有差..... 很大家閨秀的瀑布, 我還挺喜歡的。只是看過萬馬奔騰的尼加拉瀑布都覺得後來看得瀑布的小家碧玉, 不然就是大家閨秀。巾幗女英雄般的氣勢, 還是以世界三大為主: 伊瓜蘇 (阿根廷, 巴西交界), 維多利亞 (尚比亞/辛巴威), 尼加拉 (美/加) 。

Taking a lift (elevator ) to see such a beautiful waterfall cost me 550 yen (NTD 150). A little expensive but seeing the whole view of waterfall is worthy doing so. However, the waterfall represent an elegant lady. If you wish to see a stunning and amazing waterfall, this one may disappoint you. But I still appreciate this one, it offers a great relief and cool atmosphere to people who appreciate its beauty.

喝的牛奶, 聽著瀑布, 別有一番風情。重點 牛奶超好喝的。
A small  shop offered local produce milk. It tasted great.

There is another waterfall observation deck for free. However, it shows only the top of it. 

之前看日本節目都會介紹五平餅, 米飯搗碎, 有點帶麻糬口感, 抹上miso 醬下去烤。我個人是覺得可以嘗試, 但是沒有很驚豔的口感。

I have seen this kind "Gohei mochi'' many times since I was little. It is made of rice and then bake with miso, soy-sauce paste on both side. It's a good try but I think it doesn't surprise my taste of tongue.

KKday 最後一站去泡溫泉, 但是礙於我的生理期, 所以沒泡。但是導遊有折換一個禮物給我。很貼心的。如果沒泡溫泉也可以利用湯屋的設備, 榻榻米休息。回來才發現: 我忘記拍攝湯屋。

The last stop of this one-day trip is to enjoy hot spring bath. However, I was in period...... I couldn't enjoy it. Because of that, our tour guide bought a box of local famous cookies to exchange of not having hot spring bath. The  bathhouse is a little far from downtown, I had no idea where to spend "45" minutes. I stayed in the bath house to have a short break because they offered great tatami bed for visitors to sleep or have a chat with friends. I am sorry for not taking pictures.....

回東京路上另一家高速公路休息站, 有賣很古早味的納豆。可惜我不吃~~而且這家休息站都沒有賣什麼特殊的東西。去程那家休息站賣很多特殊的東西,這家我只有買一瓶水上車。

On the way back to Tokyo, we stopped at another service area. This one is a very ordinary one which doesn't serve a lot of local products. It really disappointed me. The picture showed two very Japanese food: Natto on the left and vegetables on the right. 


回到新宿車站。Note 9 夜拍功能我覺得很不錯。

Back to Shinjuku station, the picture was shot with my new mobile phone:  Samsung Note 9.

當天回到新宿的時間比預定提早30分鐘。但是我覺得一整天下來, 我個人很喜歡這樣的安排。導遊留的時間很夠我們去亂走亂逛, 拍照。

We were 30 minutes earlier than schedule time back in Tokyo. After a whole day, I personally enjoyed the arrangement. Our tour guide arranged really flexible time for us to enjoy the view, having food and take pictures. 

