
2018年11月8日 星期四

Seven eleven (7-11) 阿法奇朵(affogato)

看了他好幾個星期 ,今天終於給他買了 一杯50塊錢,其實還不錯,只是大概喝個幾口,吃幾口就沒了。 很適合當你覺得血糖低的時候,來點振奮精神的。

I have seen this for many weeks but I haven't tried it yet until this evening. This one cost NTD 50. It tastes great. But it is not that big.... It won't take long time. I finished this with in a few minutes. It's good for me when I was a little tired then. I need something to refresh myself.

posted from Bloggeroid

