
2008年8月30日 星期六

@Chester 日記五

<猜猜看, 大家要去哪裡?>

從Manchester到Chester搭火車很方便, 大約一小時左右, 折扣卡之後的票價是8英鎊. 以羅馬遺跡聞名, 最有名莫過於古羅馬城牆, 快走大約一小時, 可是像我的話就走了三小時, 因為邊走邊晃, 看到旁邊有不錯的景點, 就這樣隨心亂晃, 走到差不多再繞回去就可以.


出發前, 學校的老師跟host family, 很推薦, 但是我今天一整天下來的心得就是, 如果已經去過德國, 法國東部的我就覺得這裡的建築物真的普普通通, 沒啥吸引我咧! 畢竟德國跟法國的木造建築都比這裡美多了!









<中午12點半左右, 大都聚集工作人員! >

<下午兩點左右, 真得是那句話! People Mountain People Sea. 不過威爾斯人不懂這句話 >


早上亂晃時的時候, 場地上只有少許的人, 及工作人員! 觀眾真得是很陸陸續續的進場! 票價從最便宜的7英鎊, 到中等價票12英鎊, 到高價位的25英鎊, 還有VIP的40英鎊! 我呢?


我沒買票, 我只是牆壁外圍欣賞, 但是慶幸有一家威爾斯人很熱心告訴我, 賭馬要注意什麼事! 從下注, 到佣金, 到馬兒賽前在哪裡, 到出來秀給大家看, 最後進入閘門到跑多遠, 通通告訴我, 真的是上了一堂課! 

<大家排隊簽注! >

跑了老半天, 誰贏? 


九號球衣那位! 看影片時, 看能不能找出來?


It’s my first weekend in Manchester but I didn’t want to stay in this city anymore. Therefore, I booked a round-trip ticket to Chester when I was in Manchester on Wednesday. Lots of people told me Chester is a nice and great place to visit because it has Roman Walls, beautiful wooden houses, river, canal and lots of heritages. However, those walls and wooden houses did not attract me because I have seen a lot when I had traveled in France, Germany and Italy.


But I still recommend the lovely place. Because of horse racing, it was the last event of 2008 and I was really lucky to take part in. Ticket price is from 7 quads to 40 quads. Of course, the more money you spent, the great view you had and also the beer inside was cheaper than those beer gardens in Chester city cneter because you have already paid on ticket. When people were in, they probably loved to pay money on horse they prefer and wish the horse would bring a fortune back to them.


It’s my pleasure that I met a Wales family who introduced a lot of information about horse racing and thus I learnt some key words about horse racing such as furlong, stone….etc.


After coming back from Chester, I am trying to upload photos and I found the photos I took today make me feel really unpleasant. It is because the British women really love to show their amazing size body figures. While I am uploading those photos, I am also wondering what they eat to cause so marvelous body figures.


PS: The weather was really great and I had fun in Chester. No rain. Windy and sometimes sunshine went through 

clouds and made people really enjoyable. 

幾乎每個都很大一隻! 我來到這裡都成size小一號!

<熱鬧的市中心, 不過大部分的人都去看賽馬了!>

有興趣可以點閱更多的 Chester !

