It's the first day of the introductionary week and I thought there would be some introduction about the subjects or modules. I knew I was wrong because after 15 minutes of the welcome speech by the head of school. The students in TESOL all had to move to another lecture.
There were four professors waited for us. They all smiled to all of us when we stepped in one by one. We got the handbook from Professor May Lin There were so many pages that it needed time to read all but the Professor Scott just read to us so quickly. The first semester, teacher experienced students were suggested by taking 60 credits <2 compulsory modules and one optional modules>. Professors do not want us to take more than 80 credits because we usually need to time to adjust ourselves to get used the whole English environment and they would give us mountains of readings for us. But students want to prove they are really smart and tough, they could take 80 credits for Semester First.
I am sure that I am not that kind of smart student in class. I would like to take 60 credits to guarantee my first semeste that pass. However, I still have problems with optional modules selection; I think I will ask the professors tomorrow.
Besides the introduction, I started to believe why people told me Newcastle is a not-easy university in studying. May Lin told us we all need to prepare 10 minutes presentation about “time management” and 5 minutes for classmates to quiz us. In addition to presentation, we need to read about “assessment” and share what we know about it on Thursday. I can’t help myself wondering, this is introduction week My friends, Joanna, Sadaf and Maloney only need to attend a few lectures about welcome party or some boring? speeches.
I prepared my presentation for tomorrow and put something on the power point for tomorrow demonstration. Later, I need to read assessment. No wonder, the first presentation is “time management.”
PS: 等會要去念書了! 才第一個禮拜, 感覺上已經有一堆排山倒海般的功課準備奔向我! 看到我的鄰居還在流連student union的活動中, 我不禁自憐啊!