Kitchen is the best place for me to relax because I can meet all my neighbors and share the happenings today. I also could get help overthere. Howover, the happiness do not last long because there were too many Chinese in LT and some of them really love to take their boyfriend to the kitchen and eat there.
It's really unpleasent for me and other girls. We could not speak very freely and shared jokes or when we had dinner together, suddenly, a Chinese guy came in and took some items and left without some greeting words. It's really rude and impolite.
I like LT's considerate behaviors because they let all the girls live on the same corridors and share the same kitchen but it does not mean we could bring our male friends into the public place. Without acknowledging, I have to say it's really uncomfortable.
真的是覺得中國人超沒禮貌! 隨隨便便就帶男朋友進去廚房, 偏偏這一區通通是女生, 沒有半個男生! 有時候門一打開猛然看到有個男人坐到那裏吃飯真得是很尷尬!
重點是連打個招呼都不會, 更慘! 法學博士生, 跟公衛博士生已經快要抓狂了, 因為她們簡直是無法忍受他們進來吃東西, 又不打招呼的行為, 加上我第一天就掉東西的經驗, 我們這幾位有點年紀的女人已經快要受不了, 在繼續下去, 可能到時候會去receptionist抗議!
更扯得是, 第一天搬進來就開始借東西, 更是沒禮貌! 我第一天沒東西吃, 乾脆吃外頭, 去別人家吃飯, 我還記得要帶拌手禮去, 這是禮貌, 但是開口閉口就是借東西, 我就很想說: 你不會去外頭吃飯嗎? 把東西準備齊全再來廚房吃東西, 葡萄牙鄰居看了直翻白眼!