I like to study with different classmates who are from different countries. Talking with them is really interesting and funny especially when we all curse everything about the UK such as food, and weather. Talking about food is really amazing because you will understand what they like and dislike. For example, fried stinky tofu, the way we like whereas they don’t like. Fredrik is a student who is from Norway and Atna who is Colombia and once we talked about the price of hamburger. Atna told one hamburger in her capital cost almost 2 pounds and mine in Taipei around 1.5 pounds but the price in Norway was really scared to both of us. One hamburger in Norway may cost 10 pounds. When we heard the price, Atna and I decided we had better to bring food to Norway when we travel there.
I got my two-week English camp certificate in Manchester and it’s kind of sad because I start to miss the rainy city. The metro slowly run through the city center, the buses drive quickly through the downtown and lots of doves eat abandoned food on the streets and the scenery have made me want to stay here longer even though it’s a boring city. So far, I haven’t seen any football match in Manchester and I haven’t drunk any pint of beer in Manchester . As times pass by, I think I must try it before I leave for northern UK .
Besides the life in Manchester , I seldom read the news about Taiwan because I knew under Mr. SHIT ruling Taiwan would be brought into a big trouble crisis. As bysiders, my younger brother and I have been observing those people who invested lots of money in stock market and then they gained nothing but lost more than they expected. After three months, people jumped into river or somebody burned the coral to suicide themselves and they really succeed. It was really sad and pity to see those people killed them in such miserable way. However, I still did not any efforts the SHIT government tries to save the economy. So far, the focus that this government would do is still chasing Mr. Chen’s oversea bank account. How could I expect the SHIT government would provide some really effective policies to save the so poor and pity Taiwanese from the scary recession? The front page of British newspaper I have read recently was all about the policies the Gordon Brown government was taken place to save the recession. The situation here is really serious; all the officials said it is the worst situation in past 60 years.
今天算是我最後一堂課, 因為我明天決定翹課去Newcastle找我大學老師丟行李去! 感謝他及時傳來簡訊啊!
這樣我去北方時, 可以少掉一大卡行李的拖累! 當然我得要自己拉行李去找他, 強烈建議一定要買Discount卡, 原本去去Newcastle的open ticket大約要六十英鎊上下, 我一秀出我的discount卡, 當場折了20英鎊, 之前花掉24卡英鎊所辦的卡, 馬上省回來! 上禮拜去玩兩天已經省掉10英鎊, 加上明天去newcastle的20英鎊, 所以真的是省了!
對於課程結束有點捨不得, 因為跟班上的帥哥美女說掰掰, 看不到美麗的人與物, 會有點難過啊!