<中國送給 "你先生"的大禮, 就是BBC所寫, 反對台灣獨立啦! 其實我更喜歡旁邊有小標題, 陳先生受困飯店啦! >
因為, KMT即使經過八年, 有沒有進步? 沒啦! 這幾天也只是讓大家看到 risk management有夠爛的! <還有深藍那天也站出來, 只是不能公開, 導致一些領18%的人,擔心日後沒錢領>
民進黨失去政權之後, 有沒有okay一點? 沒啦! 一樣的孬孬, 遊行搞到最後, 只有一個字可以形容: 幹! <有種就陪人民去圓山! >
難怪, 我另一個也算有點綠的同學都說: 給我一個水果黨! 我要投水果黨, 反正就是比爛!
不過, 我還是對台灣站出來發聲的人表達敬意, 因為你們, 他人才會知道我們不是那麼想要統一! <感謝你們讓陳先生受驚於京華飯店, 重演: 當年中國大使出訪瑞士慘遭抗議也是受困於飯店! 不然中國人還以為他們走路有風>
KMT一面傾向中國, 台灣人應該只剩下死忠派支持!
DPP如果在不積極振作點, 明年大選一樣慘啦!
不過, 這票還是不可能投KMT, 我寧可不投票, 也不願意投KMT, 拜託, 真選出一個敗類來, 我會良心不安一輩子!
看完之後, 有種: 我要去加入KMT的感覺, 今天殺人放火都沒事咧! 了不起跟蚯蚓一樣, 去吃頓牢飯!
要槍殺總統也沒事, 連阿斗也講, 總統, 人人得而誅之!
2003年, 西洋文學老師曾經問過班上一個問題, 不知道我們班當時有多少人還記得那個問題?!
以台灣民主發展的歷史, 相當於歐美民主歷史什麼時候?
當時台灣很開放, 甚至要 "策" 總統, 嗆聲都是很okay!
我那時後挺自大的認為, 台灣的民主發展成熟的很咧!~
但是, 看看馬笑話的執政, 我那想法要收回去! 因為, 阿扁即使面對紅衫軍吵鬧不休, KMT杯葛八年, 也不曾動用軍隊, 鎮暴警察始用棍棒對付過抗議的民眾.
才五個月, 20年不曾見過鎮暴警察再次出爐, 蘋果的頭版用的是警民雙方受傷圖, 在我看來: 五個月的執政的不安終於暴發, 如果馬笑話穩當執政, 慢慢跟中國雙方談判, 人民會像冷水煮青蛙, 慢慢接受, 但是: 一口氣要將青蛙通通丟到熱水中, 難怪人民不安通通爆發!
馬笑話, 果然又發揮 "無敵厚臉皮功", 所有的錯都是民進黨的錯, 所以千錯萬錯, 就是不會有娘砲馬英九的錯! 所以那天台灣人被賣掉, 馬笑話會說: 都是民進黨的錯, 都是阿扁的錯啦!
今天BBC Asia-Pacific 的標題!
Clashes mar Chinese Taiwan visit
Clashes between protesters and police in the Taiwanese capital Taipei over the visit of a Chinese envoy have left at least 150 people injured.
Street fights erupted as hundreds of protesters surrounded the hotel where the official was staying.
The envoy, Chen Yunlin, left Taiwan after conducting the highest-profile visit so far by a Chinese official.
A number of economic agreements were signed during the visit, which was plagued by near-constant protests.
Police equipped with water cannon struggled to keep stone-throwing protesters away from the hotel where Mr Chen was staying.
By Friday morning, 149 police officers had been injured, according to Taipei City Police Department. Local media report that dozens of demonstrators and journalists were also hurt.
Taiwan's Central News Agency says that Mr Chen was trapped in his hotel "for several hours until police were able to forcibly remove the protesters who had blocked the hotel exits". <台灣人, 做的好! 你們的水準夠高咧! 就跟今年一下, 奧火走到那, 也是被嗆到那, 唯三沒被嗆就是: 中國, 香港, 澳門! 台灣人的水準, 有進步咧! 桶沒的新聞, 不值得一曬>
The Chinese envoy eventually managed to leave Taiwan on a charter flight from the international airport.
Anger with president <生什麼鳥氣, 我比馬笑話更不爽! 在陳先生眼中, 馬笑話只是個 "你" , 哈哈>
The protesters are opposed to Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou's policy of forging closer ties with China.
When Mr Chen met the Taiwanese leader on Wednesday, he failed to use his title "president", in line with Beijing's policy of not recognising Taiwanese independence though the two entities have been separately governed since 1949.
Mr Ma was later quoted as saying by the Taipei Times: "[Did] I have to wring his neck and say: 'I won't let you go back to China if you don't call me President Ma?' Do I need to do that? It's unnecessary." <哇! 真的是沒總統格咧! 來台灣吃你, 用你, 甚至要你派7000警察去保護一個強暴犯, 陳先生只叫"你", 你就很爽! 藍教人, 這就是你們選出來的 "你先生">
But some angry protesters called for Mr Ma to resign. <這個沒用啦! 他的臉皮比阿扁還厚咧! 很容易 "見笑登生氣"!>
Chang Bang-ni, a 45-year-old businesswoman, said the Chinese envoy had snubbed Taiwan by not calling its leader by his title.
"This shows that China is only treating Taiwan like a local government," he told The Associated Press. <有點性別混亂了>
Mass protests against Mr Ma's pro-China policies have been on going since August.
They have been led by the main opposition, the Democratic Progressive Party, which while in government antagonised Beijing with a pro-independence agenda.
Recent relations soured two months ago when Taiwan was affected by tainted milk products from China, and a number of people were taken ill.