這是Melinda Liu (Newsweek 亞洲地區的作者)
Fallout from Chen Shui-Bian's Dramatic Arrest
寫了一篇有關於台灣最近一連串 "笑話" 的文章
這不禁讓我想起, 藍丁最愛說 : DPP有貪汙 (關於這點, 我一點都不想否認, 反正證據會說話, 最怕證據找不到, 結果要用道德審判, 斷腿之最後一招)
Such warnings have not just come from traditional DPP supporters. Last week, before Mr Chen’s arrest, twenty prominent international Asia specialists, including Professors Arthur Waldron of the University of Pennsylvania, Bruce Jacobs of Monash University and June Teufel Dreyer of the University of Miami, along with former Far Eastern Economic Review Taipei correspondent Julian Baum, issued an unprecedented open letter expressing “deep concern” at the behaviour of Taiwanese prosecutors. “It is obvious that there have been cases of corruption in Taiwan,” they wrote, “but these have occurred in both political camps.
一直長期關注台灣變化的作者會不曉得台灣的貪汙, 並不是單方面, 所以我每次看到藍丁恥笑綠丁時, 我真的是會忍不住大笑, 台灣人竟然到最後需要一位"非本國人"告訴台灣人, 貪污是 "兩邊"都有, 但是只辦一邊, 難免引人想歪, 這時候當然綠色支持者馬上可以說: 法院是國民黨開的, 看看,他們也只辦 "綠色"這邊!
再看看另一段, 這便Melinda引用一位法國在台研究現代中國人員的話:
Equally controversially, would-be protesters were refused permission to stage demonstrations against Mr Chen’s visit.
Such refusals are rare in Taiwan’s democratic era – and when protesters did try to demonstrate anyway, they were met with police beatings that left over 100 people injured and shocked many who thought Taiwanese society had turned its back on such brutality. “People were very upset,” says Frank Muyard, Director of the French Centre for Research on Contemporary China in Taipei. “For the police to use force against peaceful protesters is something which hasn’t been seen in Taiwan for perhaps 16 years, since before [former President] Lee Teng-hui took full power during the transition to democracy.”
當大部分媒體一直努力的掩蓋"警察打人"的事實, 拜web 2.0所賜, 台灣警察打人的畫面早已傳送全世界, 任憑王卓鈞在怎麼狡辯, 影片就是會說話! 過去老李到陳水扁一直想維護的價值, 一口氣沒啦! (這口氣還只花六個月就辦到)
我覺得最有趣是這一段的第一句引用的話, 馬斷腿的智商有沒有問題, 我覺得真的是大有問題. 動用到7000名警力擺明就是要跟人民 "嗆聲"的一種舉動, 加上警察 "脫序" 的舉動, 例如: 跟民眾嗆聲 (請自己上youtube找, 多的很咧! ) , 加上低估民眾, 馬斷腿果然端出一道 棒呆的"災難的食譜/ 配方"
“Deploying 7,000 police officers over a four-day period and restricting the public’s freedom of movement were a recipe for disaster,” it said in an editorial, adding that Mr Ma “either misjudged public opinion, showing how ineffective he is as the nation’s top decision-maker, or he didn’t care about the political ramifications of his actions — at least not in Taiwan.”
台灣最近真的很紅, 紅的程度竟然是要靠一連串"國際笑話", 導致馬斷腿的國際觀,陽光形象逐漸失色, 最大的元凶, 非他本人莫屬啊!
從老李到阿扁再到馬斷腿,我真的得說: 考試靠加分入台大, 拿KMT獎學金出國, 即使鍍金鍍銀都沒用, 因為腦袋使用沒用啊!
另外, 今天看到"啞唬" 莫名其妙關掉 "Mango台",我只能說: 白癡的行為, 就算是它關掉mango台, 但無形中更加激怒支持者, 也讓人更加了解"啞唬"一個很爛的公司, 不知道是不是自己年紀大了, 還是怎樣, 我真的是越來越相信 "報應" 這東西, 之前中國的yahoo公開洩漏會員資料給中國政府, 導致好幾位人權分子啷噹入獄, 已經引起國際關注, 這對最近這幾年經營不佳的yahoo無疑更是 "形象" 大傷, 台灣再多來幾比,網友現在英文程度一個比一個好, 通通將這些事情公諸於世, 我看台灣的yahoo爛形象會不會帶賽到其他亞洲的yahoo, 誰曉得?! 不過, 爛公司最後還是會有它的報應, 等著看了!
另外, 今天看到"啞唬" 莫名其妙關掉 "Mango台",我只能說: 白癡的行為, 就算是它關掉mango台, 但無形中更加激怒支持者, 也讓人更加了解"啞唬"一個很爛的公司, 不知道是不是自己年紀大了, 還是怎樣, 我真的是越來越相信 "報應" 這東西, 之前中國的yahoo公開洩漏會員資料給中國政府, 導致好幾位人權分子啷噹入獄, 已經引起國際關注, 這對最近這幾年經營不佳的yahoo無疑更是 "形象" 大傷, 台灣再多來幾比,網友現在英文程度一個比一個好, 通通將這些事情公諸於世, 我看台灣的yahoo爛形象會不會帶賽到其他亞洲的yahoo, 誰曉得?! 不過, 爛公司最後還是會有它的報應, 等著看了!