I bought some apples in the market and then I found the apples were really bad because they were not really fresh and some apples even with bruises. I could not throw them away due to money and therefore I had to find some means to turn them into another form. Actually, I prefer to chop an apple into my oats and cornflakes every morning but these apples couldn’t be done at the same way.
I googled the apple recipe, such as baked apples or apple jam but I do not have cinnamon to make baked apples. The last one is to make apple jam. The ingredients are really easy. Several apples, sugar, some water, a lemon or an orange.
First, peel the apples and diced them well. The size depends on your mood.
Second, squeeze the lemon for juice.
Third, put the same apple weight of sugar.
Fourth, put 50 c.c water, apples, and sugar all together into a clean pot.
Fifth, turn the cooker to “3”, keep stirring it for 40 minutes. <10 minutes for heating, 30 minutes for boiling> {3, is the cooker for UK. In Taiwan, switch to slow fire.}
PS: When I stirred my jam, I recalled I still had some white wine in my cupboard so I put around 20 c.c white wine into the pot. It smelled a little strong but it tasted really great. >
PS: 我發現柳橙或者是檸檬拿去做蘋果醬都很好吃, 另外, 要不要放水, 看個人! 第一次因為有放水, 感覺很水! 第二次不放水, 看起來就給他很{疙}!