
2008年10月3日 星期五


<多采多姿的飯, 這飯是來自杜拜Sadaf的精心傑作! 融合了翻紅花, 辣椒,洋蔥, 一種莓果, salt.  好吃嗎? 我覺得有點酸, 有點辣, 說不出那種怪異感! >

TESOL theory and practice sounds quite boring and actually its textbook is really boring as well but I have to read the core book due to professor’s request. Besides boring title and textbook, the course and teaching style is interesting and interactive. The first class would be last around 2 hours from 10 to 12 but we finished it at 1 pm due to fantastic presentation. The 2 years experience group that I study is really interesting, and, therefore the majority members are real teachers in different countries. Scott divided us into five groups and he chose 5 people to be the leader.

It was an honor that I was one of the leaders and my members were all from Middle East. Compare to them, I felt so shame because I was the least experience person. Here is some information about my team members first. Zahra, a beautiful woman from Kuwait, taught in UK embassy language center. Mohamed, from Saudi Arabia, 8 years teaching experience in senior high school and one and half year in university. Kanda, more than 12 years teaching experience in university in Oman.

It’s really interesting to find that the two men both taught in public school and Zahra and I taught in private. Teaching style and students’ feedback are quite similar even though we all from different countries. Such as we love to play games in class and students all have to prepare examinations. Surprisingly, I found there was one thing I found was different in Saudi Arabia. Taiwan has been advocating mixed-sex classes for years and nowadays only for famous senior high still have single sex classes. However, in Saudi Arabia all the schools all have to divide into two genders. Male teachers only teach in male school and female teachers all teach in female school and the range are from elementary schools to universities. Oman, Kuwait and Iran do not do so strictly because they let students mix before 10 years old and after divided into genders. Afterward, it combines again in university.

After the discussion, all the five groups had to represent all the results to the other classmates. I found there are several things are really in common. Such as students are forced to learn English because of lacking motivation and the results are usually bad. Furthermore, plenty of countries are usually test based teaching style and caused students really hate English. We also encountered the students were lack of chances to expose to English environment. Otherwise, when it comes to homework, the Greece classmate said she had received the assignment was done by students’ parents or grandparents. It is quite similar to Taiwan situation, isn’t it?

After the presentation, classmates and professor would like to ask questions. The question was asked by professor and I really like to question due to motivation. Because we complain students learning English without active attitudes, the professor asked us why we could learn English for so long. There must be some reasons or insensitive to support us to keep learning English so long.

